Thursday, 25 September 2008

Sorry for the interruption to our normal service

Apologies to our loyal readers, but we hope to resume normal services from today!

Tuesday dawned a bit grey as usual but were we downhearted? No, we set off for the market having decided today was a day for fish - remember, we're not one of life's natural fish cookers (or eaters for that matter). We got all the usual veg and herbs then went to the poisson bit of the market. There may be only 5 or 6 stalls but the range on display is amazing - and they've all got french names! After a stroll up and down, we plumped for a daurade royale weighing some 750 grammes. At €24 per kilo, that represented about £15 worth of fish - no pressure!!

All this time, the sun was out and making us quite hot - at last! Given that, and given that we had 750g of fish in the rucksack, we decided to head back to the apartment and put stuf
f in the fridge rather than have the cats of Nice following us round. A short nap followed (a la David - managed to ignore the alarm for 30 minutes!) then it was time, once again, for la vieille ville. Caught bus 15 to Magnan - "just the other side of the jardin" said Carol - actually about 2 or 3 km west of the jardin!! The gentle stroll to Cours Saleya turned into quite an ordeal, at least for David, because the "slight spot" on my inner thigh got worse and it became increasingly painful for me to walk. The thought of a pint of Stella kept me going and we eventually arrived at our bar of choice AKAThor where all the staff seem to be young English kids who speak hardly any French - OK for us but you have to wonder what the locals make of it.

Just show that my mind was affected by all the pain, Carol decided she would like a Kriek (cherry flavoured beer from Belgium - tastes a lot better than it sounds) and I said "Yes" - 1 bottle cost the same as 2 pints of Stella!! And we did it twice!!!!

While we were sat there, we got chatting to a couple at the next table - they were from Leigh on the East Lancs road! First time in Nice and they'd been given a rubbish hotel so had swapped - "let Thompson sort it out!" - but were enjoying the sampling of different drinks - she had a margerita, bacardi and coke and a vodka tonic whilst we were there!! He was drinking Leffe - "Only £3 a pint here, it's £6 at home!". Pleasant enough couple but not hardened francophiles.

4 pints later, it was back to the apartment and "THE FISH"! (Perhaps not the ideal preparation, do I hear you think?). We used, for the first time, a fish kettle with lemon, herbs and white wine - after a couple of tries, we got the hang of it and ended up enjoying a fantastic piece of fish. Certainly try that again!

Then to bed at 10 with my spot.


Cath Hylton said...

Well you certainly seem to be enjoying that £100/day budget! It sounds like you and your spot are having a lovely time.

Don't you worry about us, we're fine! Your girl was a five star today, but only because they gave out the certificates before she pinched Alice, and Tom was a three star (not great) because he got caught cheating in his spelling test - he had the answers in his tray and kept sneaking a look!! We probably shouldn't have laughed when he told us.

Bring on the weekend... xxx

David said...

Well, that's kids for you! I remember it well! (though I'm not sure you were ever caught!)